Black Metal.

What Horna Full Lengths are good? I like the stuff I heard from their 2005 one, I cab;t really type them out because they're Finnish words.
What Horna Full Lengths are good? I like the stuff I heard from their 2005 one, I cab;t really type them out because they're Finnish words.

I own Ääniä Yössä that and I like it, but it's not your kind of BM style. You may like their earlier albums such as

From what I've heard of Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne, the one you're referring to, you may like it.
I think Nehëmah is good stuff, atleast for being pretty standard. Light From A Dead Star is their best though, Nehëmah In Vulva Infernum is a fucking killer track.
I've been listening to Nagelfar's Virus West lately, and I think it's a pretty good album. What does everyone else think of it?
Great album! I haven't been able to get their earlier albums so I can't compare what else they've done ( Their label does plan on re-releasing those albums soon though), but Virus West is just full of awesome riffs. The production works for the album as well. 'Meuterei' is probably my favorite from the album, those horns are just perfect when they come in!
OK Mathias, I finally gave that Nazgul album a listen last night. I was quite impressed. The vocals were a huge put-off in the beginning but as time went on they seemed further down in the mix, until they felt like they were at a tolerable level. As for the actual music, it was amazing. Rich orchestration and competent riffing. I really wish I owned a copy so I could read all the Latin lyrics.

One criticism for this album is that the songs are too short for the kind of music they write. Complex orchestral black metal, like Obsidian Gate for example, requires long songs to achieve their effect. Most of the Nazgul songs seem to end abruptly, like only half of the journey through each song was completed. Better songwriting would truly benefit this band. More songs like "Solvitur Ad Elfmuth", clocking in at 8:44, would have been the way to go.

Still, an album full of beautiful songs. But they should have lengthened them and cut out the pretty interludes.
Discuss: 666 International

Personally I like this album, but there are many annoying qualities to it, namely the vocals (in most parts) and the piano interludes. Besides that, they really succeed in combining black metal with electronic/industrial beats, such as the beginning of "Ion Storm". If the whole album were more focused upon that aspect, I might have regarded it as one the best modern black metal albums of all time. But it's far too incoherent and in most places it fails to harness their potential.

I've never been overly impressed with anything Dodheimsgard has put out. Their latest album was a shitfest. I've listened to 666 International before, but it's been a long time since...I should relisten to it. It's strange, though, because the people in DHG are also in some of my favorite black metal bands (Code, Ved Buens Ende, etc...). sometimes it just doesn't come together