Black Metal.

Yeah, I like the majority of the early 90s black metal scene. However, I tend to be more skeptical towards newer black metal (even if it's in the vein of the original scene) where as I like most contemporary old school death metal.
True, good point.

I've been listening to Watain's Sworn to the Dark a fair bit lately. I didn't particularly like the newer, more rock-ish direction they've taken at first, but now it's kicking my arse. Of certain note is the latter half of the album. Obviously not as good as Casus Luciferi, but still bloody solid.
Yeah, the production is a little too polished for black metal but I was surprised at how much I actually enjoyed that album.
I didn't really have a problem with the production of the album, but there seems to be a few filler songs between some of the really good songs. Casus Luciferi is just gold in my eyes.
i too enjoyed Sworn to the Dark. Actually, that's the only album i have heard from them, but i don't bother checking out the other albums..
Rabid's Death Curse has a melodic touch, but not to the point where it can be established as real melodic black as compared with 'Sworn to the dark' which by standards is a good release IMO.