Black Metal.

Mgla is indeed some awesome stuff. I've been meaning to check out that Kriegmaschine band that's connected to them. Are they any good?

Yes. Altered states of Divinity has its share of awesome songs, I prefer their EP 'A thousand Voices' but both good raw BM in their own right.
Got to recommend German bands like Ulsdalir, Magog, Odal, Bilskirnir etc. That kind of black metal is so fucking great. I just can´t get enough.
I listened to Mutiilation and Vlad Tepes and find some pretty good stuff there. Question is, is there any other good bands from LLN because I have heard a lot of stuff from there and I can say it is mostly utter shit. Recommend me some worth listening if there is some other LLN bands.
People hear like Mgla? Solid black metal. Their 3 newest EPs are just brilliant, but the Crushing The Holy Trinity stuff is pretty bland.

The band reminds me of a cleaner produced Darkthrone, with epic guitars of Graveland.

Mgła is a brilliant band. All 4 releases so far have been promising, especially Presence. New full length record Groza is due this year.

EDIT: for those who didn't know, they also contributed 4 songs on the Crushing The Holy Trinity compilation which are not available as a separate release.
How does Sargeist compare to Horna? I'm interested in getting Satanic Black Devotion, is it worth getting it? I also have Horna's 2006 and 2007 CD's on the way.
I listened to Mutiilation and Vlad Tepes and find some pretty good stuff there. Question is, is there any other good bands from LLN because I have heard a lot of stuff from there and I can say it is mostly utter shit. Recommend me some worth listening if there is some other LLN bands.

Have you listened to Peste Noire?
Muahha ha hah the curse of Darkthrone continues...

"We have recorded four songs for the next album, 'Dark Thrones And Black Flags'. We sort of tried to keep the title 'hidden,' but my mouth ran over talking to Metal Hammer (damn!!!), so anyways, that's the title, and NO, it's not punkish you bastards, it's METAL TO THE BONE!!! I tell ya, what we allow ourself to do these days.... riff-wise, I mean. IT'S A BLOODY FEAST!!!! The plan is to have the final recordings ready in July at latest. I know, I know, this album comes fast, but not to worry, we'll use just a tad more time on the album after that."
I like to balance my intake of old and new. It's common for me to buy classics at the same time as albums that just came out. A month ago I bought Bathory's The Return at the same time as Anaal Nathrakh's latest.