Black Metal.

I really liked STTD at first, but it aged quickly. I still spin it during a blue moon and I understand why it's not respected by traditional bm fans. Casus Luciferi is also good, not great.
Marblebog - Forestheart is imperative listening for anyone into Drudkh and other naturalistic/organic BM. Amazing album. And one of the underground's best kept secrets...
OK I'll make a compromise...after AP. Unless it's Prelude To The Tragedy by DS. If it's Psalms... you have to listen to Marblebog!
People hear like Mgla? Solid black metal. Their 3 newest EPs are just brilliant, but the Crushing The Holy Trinity stuff is pretty bland.

The band reminds me of a cleaner produced Darkthrone, with epic guitars of Graveland.
Mgla is indeed some awesome stuff. I've been meaning to check out that Kriegmaschine band that's connected to them. Are they any good?