Black Metal.

I thought Human Waste had Mullen's best vocals, I'm not too fond of his Pierced-present death growls, but his ones on Human Waste and Effigy are quite ejoyable.
OK Mathias, I finally gave that Nazgul album a listen last night. I was quite impressed. The vocals were a huge put-off in the beginning but as time went on they seemed further down in the mix, until they felt like they were at a tolerable level. As for the actual music, it was amazing. Rich orchestration and competent riffing. I really wish I owned a copy so I could read all the Latin lyrics.

One criticism for this album is that the songs are too short for the kind of music they write. Complex orchestral black metal, like Obsidian Gate for example, requires long songs to achieve their effect. Most of the Nazgul songs seem to end abruptly, like only half of the journey through each song was completed. Better songwriting would truly benefit this band. More songs like "Solvitur Ad Elfmuth", clocking in at 8:44, would have been the way to go.

Still, an album full of beautiful songs. But they should have lengthened them and cut out the pretty interludes.

Yeah, I agree, the songs should be longer. I thought you would like it though.
Cool, Morker, their stuff is hit or miss, one of their members wants me to buy a certain CD for him and I will if he gives me the info and money.
I wouldn't buy a black metal CD from a kvlt band I haven't heard before, because it could turn out to be standard raw bedroom black metal. There are many times I decided to check out an obscure black metal band with high expectations via downloading, only to be disappointed when it turned out to be shitty raw bedroom black metal. I think it does for every genre that you should probably have heard the band before if you're gonna buy the CD.
Actually he wants the American fuck-up booklet of the Secrets of The Black Arts remaster, because the lyrics are printed twice for one song and one of the song's lyrics is missing.