Black Metal.

Why won't any of the bigger labels/distributors start doing Ildjarn reissues since there's such a big demand for it? The same can be said for Obtained Enslavement's albums.

Ildjarn is way too inaccesible to ever be considered a cash crop, and I doubt Ildjarn himself wants to see his stuff get reiussed. Obtained Enslavement is actually very obscure
Also, just got into The Axis of Perdition recently. Calling them a black metal band doesn't really do them justice but they definitely have a strong presence of it. Really visceral stuff though. Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital is a nightmare of an album. One of the only metal albums that creeps me out.

I really hope (although I doubt it will happen) The Inchneumon Method gets reissued. Although I'm reluctant to shovel out $25 bucks (the cheapest I've found it used online), I may just do so...

After many years of waiting, we are proud to announce the coming of Zemial's next album: NYKTA

The material for NYKTA was composed between 1993 and 1998 and shall stand as the ultimate testament to Zemial's ability to create music that is unique in the field of extreme music in terms of originality and of the absolute power that Zemial is normally known for in concerts.

The album is planned to be recorded with the legendary producer Harris Johns (Celtic Frost, Sodom, Kreator, Helloween...) and released in 2008.

The scheduled tracklist will include:

Ancient Arcane Scrolls
In the Arms of Hades
Throne of the Necromancer
Possessed by Twilight
Under Scythian Command

After many years of waiting, we are proud to announce the coming of Zemial's next album: NYKTA

The material for NYKTA was composed between 1993 and 1998 and shall stand as the ultimate testament to Zemial's ability to create music that is unique in the field of extreme music in terms of originality and of the absolute power that Zemial is normally known for in concerts.

The album is planned to be recorded with the legendary producer Harris Johns (Celtic Frost, Sodom, Kreator, Helloween...) and released in 2008.

The scheduled tracklist will include:

Ancient Arcane Scrolls
In the Arms of Hades
Throne of the Necromancer
Possessed by Twilight
Under Scythian Command

Fucking awesome! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Fuck yes.

Also, apparently In The Glare Of Burning Churches and The Celtic Winter were just reissued on vinyl.
Any Kvist fans? Can't say I'm too big on black metal anymore but these guys are pretty creative.

Yes! Tis a shame they only released one album, but it's a great album at that

Also, just got into The Axis of Perdition recently. Calling them a black metal band doesn't really do them justice but they definitely have a strong presence of it. Really visceral stuff though. Deleted Scenes From The Transition Hospital is a nightmare of an album. One of the only metal albums that creeps me out.

I really hope (although I doubt it will happen) The Inchneumon Method gets reissued. Although I'm reluctant to shovel out $25 bucks (the cheapest I've found it used online), I may just do so...

I really wish they would reissue it as well since I think it is their best effort. The Axis of Perdition is supposed to be releasing two albums this year, so it'll definitely be interesting to hear them. can't wait.