Black Metal.

I really wish they would reissue it as well since I think it is their best effort. The Axis of Perdition is supposed to be releasing two albums this year, so it'll definitely be interesting to hear them. can't wait.

Hmm... I heard about one album coming out but not two. More to look forword to.
Been listening to "Haevn" by Angantyr. Pretty good stuff. The first track that starts with violins, - that part is awesome.
I also like that they sing native language.
Someone recommended me some Dead Replite Shrine a few weeks ago thinking it might be up my ally. Just checked them out. Pretty creative and different, but I can't get into it. I suppose I'll give it a few more listens though. Anyone heard this band and like them?
Been listening to "Haevn" by Angantyr. Pretty good stuff. The first track that starts with violins, - that part is awesome.
I also like that they sing native language.

Tis a good band, it usually takes a while to sink, but after that the sort of, epic atmosphere (imo) is very enjoyable. Kampen Forsttatten is also a good release.
Someone recommended me some Dead Replite Shrine a few weeks ago thinking it might be up my ally. Just checked them out. Pretty creative and different, but I can't get into it. I suppose I'll give it a few more listens though. Anyone heard this band and like them?

Dead Reptile Shrine is pretty much total trash. The demos I have are super boring and terrible production.
What is the general opinion of these bands:

1. Dead Raven Choir
2. Wolves in the Throne Room

1. Dead Raven Choir-Terrible, sub-par black metal. Not worth listening to. They try to hard to be obscure.

2. Wolves in the Throne Room-Interesting and highly complex black metal. I dare call it Post-Black Metal. Aside for the members being a little on the left-wing side of things they do offer some interesting ideas.
wolves is kinda boring to me but i will agree they are pretty good at whatever it is they are trying to do. i don't have enough time to bother too much about them, though. 5 minutes into a song and i'm ready for some different music.

isn't skeletonwhich something mainstream something/ not black metal so wrong topic kinda thing?
wolves is kinda boring to me but i will agree they are pretty good at whatever it is they are trying to do. i don't have enough time to bother too much about them, though. 5 minutes into a song and i'm ready for some different music.

I think they are really good at making a long song something interesting and not repetitive for the sake of being simply repetitive.

Also, should I check out Celestia?

i blame merzbow for it. they broke my computer

You mean he.
Just got the rereleased version of Blasphemy's Fallen Angel Of Doom,sure beats paying fucking 50,60,70 $US for the original which i nearly did a few weeks ago,glad i got outbid on that one now
Like Toxic Holocaust, they are a combination of black and thrash so I think they are relevent to black metal. I think both are pretty damn good.

Also, I doubt being obscure or mainstream makes a black metal band black.

What about Cthonic?

please don't compare skeletonwitch to toxic holocaust. one is mediocre and the other is excellent.