Black Metal.

Furze has the craziest, not to mention cool, lyrics ever!

I gently whiztle the receip of blood no-one knows
I reap a fiction of memories leaving cold brainmass
I chant a more direct transition of souls rather than one every second
I conclude my corners of eternal time now and then
I lean towards the smell of rotten testicles whilst balancing some 9 planets
I concrete a leather if I scythe any Gold here - beyond
I dish an ocean of blood beside the sun cooking it's god's favorite pancake
I warn you about life and come back later
I behold to open (the most perfect result of your life's ritual)

Have any of you heard Obtained Enslavement's Centuries of Sorrow? It's on Ebay for 160 $ and I never hear anyone speak of it, just Witchcraft, also a Soulblight Digipack is on there for 25 $.
Probably not by mistake; they are an Australian black/death/thrash kinda band iirc. They had an interview in a semi-recent Metal Maniacs. From what I could care to understand, it seems like they are historically/nationalistically based.

They are signed to Red Stream/Baphomet (a subsidiary label of RS).
Maybe not a mistake, didn't see an invoice. They sent me these..

The Graven Sign
Unchangeable Fate
Disciples Of Supremacy

Hmm cool ill check them out tonight, seems interesting.