Black Metal.

Have any of you heard Obtained Enslavement's Centuries of Sorrow? It's on Ebay for 160 $ and I never hear anyone speak of it, just Witchcraft, also a Soulblight Digipack is on there for 25 $.

Yeah, Centuries of Sorrow is good. It's rather standard raw Norwegian Black Metal - not nearly as developed or orchestral as Witchcraft or Soulblight, but good, nonetheless. It's never spoken of because of it's rarity and the band's obscurity in general.

Hellhammer was the band that predated and somewhat evolved into Celtic Frost. Hellhammer's demo recordings and EP "Apocalyptic Raids" have proven over time to be some of the most influential material in the history of the genre, vividly shaping the direction extreme metal would take from that day forward. Demon Entrails is a collection of those demos.

I should write blurbs.
Hellhammer was formed by Tom G. Warrior and they changed thier name to Celtic Frost without ever having recorded a single full album or playing a live gig. They are a major influence for most black metal bands and many others.

Demon Entrails is an official compilation of thier rare and expensive demos Death Fiend, Satanic Rites and Triumph of Death. Some of thier official demo's, and even bootleged ones fetch about 200+ on the open market.
I'll Hellhammer all day too, as soon as I get Demon Entrails on Saturday. At last the moratorium will terminate and I can buy CD's again!
No. I self imposed a moratorium on buying CD's after buying a boatload of them over holiday break.

They say abstinence makes the sex so much better.