Black Metal.

I listened to Aborym's Generator tonight and it seems to be a CD that will take some listens to get into, it isn't immediately satisfying like a fellow Industrial Black Metal band, Mysticum, I also think Mysticum has better riffs than Aborym on Generator. Aborym sure has a lot of palm mutes for a black metal band, but about the only song on there that makes me want to go back and keep listening to it is song 4, those thrash riffs are really good. For some reasons the vocals seem distorted, and remind of Shagrath's for some reason or another. I was also disappointed at the lack of electronic blasting drums, instead there were industrial sections I could've lived without, so I'm not sure what to make of this Cd, I'm glad Zephyrus sent it to me on CD-R, it just seem hard to get into.
ever tried having black metal putting you to sleep? emperor did it for me. one, because the song was so boring and the other, it made me relax and feel good.
I listened to Aborym's Generator tonight and it seems to be a CD that will take some listens to get into, it isn't immediately satisfying like a fellow Industrial Black Metal band, Mysticum, I also think Mysticum has better riffs than Aborym on Generator. Aborym sure has a lot of palm mutes for a black metal band, but about the only song on there that makes me want to go back and keep listening to it is song 4, those thrash riffs are really good. For some reasons the vocals seem distorted, and remind of Shagrath's for some reason or another. I was also disappointed at the lack of electronic blasting drums, instead there were industrial sections I could've lived without, so I'm not sure what to make of this Cd, I'm glad Zephyrus sent it to me on CD-R, it just seem hard to get into.

I really dont think you are going to enjoy much more metal music beyond what you already own.