Black Metal.

Except that Aborym sucks so it doesn't really matter.

And what two tracks have you heard once or twice to pass such judgment?

True, Aborym is not for everyone. Even for me it was hard to digest, but I gave it tons of time and now they are in my top 5 favorite bands.
I have heard the Fire Walk With Us album and I didn't like it, I don't feel like forcing myself to listen to it so I eventually will like it, especially when it is in a style that I will most likely not like at all.
At Alter: It doesn't bother me if I don't get into the more obscure bands that are very inaccesible, I seem to still be getting into new bands on a regular basis and there's always Metal out there I like. If I do in fact get tired of the constant Extreme Metal assault I've been listening to for the past 2 years I can always go take a break from it and listen to Old School West Coast Rap, Hardcore Rap(old 36 Mafia, Project Pat, etc..) and varying degrees of Electronica. I don't see it happening soon but much like how Kristofer Rygg became burnt out on Metal it could possibly happen to me as well.
Why don't you just give bands that are inaccessable more of a chance? You have to let 95% of albums sink in or you're just not going to like anything (which I guess is pretty much the case anyways). I find that albums that require dedication to enjoy are much more rewarding.
^ That's all a matter of perception though...

Remember, we all have our tastes, different characteristics of music stimulate us individually. Derek may dig more obscure stuff later down the line, when his mind is heading into that direction. Right now, he's in his own direction, and that's cool. All depends, really, on what we each seek from music as an entity. Some of us seek technicality, others, catchiness, others again, seek atmosphere, and so on.

At Alter: It doesn't bother me if I don't get into the more obscure bands that are very inaccesible, I seem to still be getting into new bands on a regular basis and there's always Metal out there I like. If I do in fact get tired of the constant Extreme Metal assault I've been listening to for the past 2 years I can always go take a break from it and listen to Old School West Coast Rap, Hardcore Rap(old 36 Mafia, Project Pat, etc..) and varying degrees of Electronica. I don't see it happening soon but much like how Kristofer Rygg became burnt out on Metal it could possibly happen to me as well.

I say balance things, especially when you like varying styles of music like you do. They each get a part of your mind, your personality working, so I say balance it.

For example, tonight whilst at work I've been through some Baroque, then Doom, some Indie, Post Rock, Black Metal, and now I'm hammering out some Detriot techno. Fuck sticking to one style, I say, lap it all up. Take pieces of each thing you like, and enjoy it to your hearts content.
i didn't find aborym hard to get into at all. i liked them from the first song on fire walk with us. i think some people may be turned off by the industrial style but they certainly don't suck. saying such an absurd thing is just disgraceful to everything on earth and beyond. i mean it almost throws the universe off balance.
'Suck' is a subjective claim, and if you think that Industrial styled or influenced music in general sucks, then there's nothing absurd about saying that Aborym sucks.

I just got Hades - Alone Walkyng, will play it now.
I wasn't talking down to you. Can you stop whining about the way I post all the time? If not for that, you would be a perfectly decent poster.
I have an ear for industrial music, while many people don't. When I hear industrial influences in black metal, I am doubly stimulated, hence bands like Aborym and Mysticum are among my favorites. Blacklodge is another one I'll be getting albums from. I just wish this sub-genre was more prevalent.
I have an ear for industrial music, while many people don't. When I hear industrial influences in black metal, I am doubly stimulated, hence bands like Aborym and Mysticum are among my favorites. Blacklodge is another one I'll be getting albums from. I just wish this sub-genre was more prevalent.

I think you might like MZ.412. I have never heard them myself but pitchfork did an interview with him.
Hmm, could be worth checking out. I already like Dominion III, which is an Austrian project which is more industrial ambient than it is black metal. Their album I have, The Hand and the Sword, has standard guitars on just one track, but I really like the whole album.