Black Metal.

Any black metal band can write songs with non-stop blasting and tremolo riffs. I think the main criticism of Dark Funeral is that they stick to this formula too closely, with little room for variation. That's why I consider In the Sign... to be their best work, because it's not mostly blasting, but creative drum rhythms, along with well-written riffs that aren't always just tremolo-blasting. And the vocals on that EP are much more vicious and passionate compared to later works.
well i don't know why you are dragging dimmu into this because dark funeral makes them sound like daisy scout talent show tryout girls.
Because I was making an example, I could've used any other black metal band that doesn't use the Dark Funeral formula.
Also I prefer the vocals on Secrets of The Black Arts to the ones on In The Sign. I do need In The Sign though because Open The Gates is very good, and I'm sure the Bathory cover is as well.
Errances Oniriques is cool, but yeah, nothing amazing. I also don't know why the hell it needs to be re-recorded, there's nothing wrong with the original.

On a different and much better note, my copy of the Hail DLP arrived today and it looks fucking great! Will have pics up soon. Also the Arckanum CDs finally arrived. :D