Black Metal.

Darkestrah news

Kyrgyzstan Black Metallers, Darkestrah, have completed work on their fourth album entitled, The Great Silk Road. The album contains 5 tracks running at roughly one hour playing time, and will continue along with Darkestrah's style of Shamanist Pagan Black Metal.

A release for The Great Silk Road is planned for late May via Paragon Recs.
Hahaha a whole 2 years? Also I'm pretty sure the DSO dudes didn't hear the pre-production stuff from that Leviathan album. Get over yourself, kvltfag :rolleyes:
doesn't change the fact that the album was recorded in 2006 so Wrest didn't rip DSO at all, moron.
No one fucking said he ripped them off or even implied that. You can sound similar to other bands without "ripping them off." No one cares about your stupid conspiracy theories, tbh, stop being a faggot.

Also your logic sucks...DSO has been around for ages and have sounded decently similar to how they sound now (less technical and chaotic of course) for 4-5 years.
Yeah FAS totally sounds like Inquisitor.

Thanks god they took big influence from Funeral Mist (and now Leviathan) with their sounds, atmosphere and production because they would have vanished. I mean Transylvania Hunger is great but you can't make a living out of this album.
Inquisitors Of Satan is just about perfect Darkthrone worship. They still are not making a living with their new stuff.

Really? I always have trendfags mention this band to me (and I tell them they're gay), so I thought they were making big bucks with their new trendfag fanbase.
I see this as a case of a band becoming popular without it inclining toward popular accessibility. Regardless, some people will dismiss the band just because it has too many fans. Who fucking cares.

Face it, DSO circa 2005-2008 is for scarf-wearing trendfags who only listen to black metal because it makes them look different in front of the rest of their gay aesthete hipster friends.

Honestly, throw yourself into a river with a cinder block tied to your neck with a scarf. Its funny you call Deathspell Omega "trendy" and that they appeal to hipsters when Absu is a much more pretentious and ridiculous band. You are the problem with black metal.
Honestly, throw yourself into a river with a cinder block tied to your neck with a scarf. Its funny you call Deathspell Omega "trendy" and that they appeal to hipsters when Absu is a much more pretentious and ridiculous band. You are the problem with black metal.

Not really. The Third Storm of Cythraul is posercrushing black thrash of unholy steel.