Black Metal.

Great news on the Arckanum album.

Also, I agree on the Hail album. If I had to pick my favorite song it would have to be Black Death Metal Warrior.
just picked up Wold-Screech Owl,Martire S/T, and Nuit Noire-Fantomatic Plenitude which is surprisingly very good also Wold are awesome and ofcourse Martire are awesome too
Anyone hear the new Baptism album yet? I think it's pretty good.

i'm liking it so far. it's got a nice mellow laid back feel to it. just kinda smooth and nice. good production, cool hynotizing feel. i'm gonna buy it, i think. i like the vocs, too. reminds me just a bit of old gorgoroth (the music, not vocs)
Look for the guy in the Bathory shirt. Wow, now I might understand what Cythraul was trying to say.
I've probably fliped Marblebog over about 3 or 4 times tonight. The first time I heard it I thought it was okay at best(the occasional poor musicianship got to me at times), but now I can't stop listening to it...

I'm glad I finally picked this up.
A friend of mine once got into a hardcore kid pit and starting doing broadway dance moves.

That's fucking awesome.

A friend of mine tried starting a pit at a christian rock show... elbowed some lady in the face. I lol'd hard when he told me.

On-topic, I finally got around to checking out a couple Immortal albums. Yeah, I'm wayyy behind on my BM. I got Blizzard Beasts and In The Heart of Winter. ITHOW was downright amazing, but nothing on Blizzard Beasts really stood out at me. Plus, the drumwork was really sloppy IMO.

I'm thinking about getting Nagelfar's first two albums, as I have Virus West and loved it. Is it worth it?