Black Metal.

Black metal focuses on atmosphere through minimalism and repetition as well as usually very unbalanced production (less emphasis on drums and low end). Symphonic black metal can have a very grandiose atmosphere, but I think only early Emperor really could be categorized as symphonic black. Meh.
Matter of opinion I guess, I would call Prometheus symphonic black without even thinking about it. Nevermind.
I will take this time to point out that Sterbend-Dwelling Lifeless is one of the best black metal albums that I heave heard in a while. Fucked up vocals, and I mean FUCKED UP VOCALS! HOWLING VOCALS! Repetitive lines of melody, above average black metal musicianship and good song crafting. Seriously, if you like Xasthur,Burzum,Silencer or Draugar than check this out really fucking fast.
I just listened to Blacklodge's SolarKult and IT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!

A must for fans of Aborym, Blut Aus Nord and Mysticum. This album is proof of how combining black metal with rapid techno drum beats can be such an effective formula. It's absolutely sensational. Industrial Black Metal is the future of extreme music.
I just listened to Blacklodge's SolarKult and IT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!

A must for fans of Aborym, Blut Aus Nord and Mysticum. This album is proof of how combining black metal with rapid techno drum beats can be such an effective formula. It's absolutely sensational. Industrial Black Metal is the future of extreme music.

You need to pick up the new Lurker of Chalice re-issue from Southern Lord RIGHT FUCKING NOW. GOD SPEED! TO THE SOUTHERN LORD WEBSITE.
Mathiäs;7072248 said:
God I fuckin hope not :zombie:

But I'll probably check that out as 'Blacklodge' is pretty k00l name
Check out the 90's norwegian doomdeath band Black Lodge instead then, much better.
Listened to NECHRIST. Does't sound too bad.. but it would`ve been better if they could sing some symphonic black.
Industrial Black Metal is the future of extreme music.

While I really like Industrial Black.... I think the genre is pretty much dead by now. Mysticum is dead and Aborym changed their black metal sound to a more death metal/grindcore sound with their last album.