Black Metal.

While I really like Industrial Black.... I think the genre is pretty much dead by now. Mysticum is dead and Aborym changed their black metal sound to a more death metal/grindcore sound with their last album.

Mysticum is not dead...they are on hold and will eventually release Planet Satan.

It could just be that the sound greatly appeals to me, but combining those techno beats with black metal riffs is a very pleasing synthesis to these ears.

And Aborym at this point are hard to define, but they still have plenty of industrial and black metal elements on Generator. I await to see what direction they take with their upcoming album, which they say will be put out later this year.
So i just listed to nachtmystium yesterday and i can honestly say, that in my opinion they are the best black metal band i have ever heard.

This means i like them the most, not that they are in anyway more influential or talented or creative than any other band out there, just that for some reason i like them the most.

so can anyone recommend some bands similar to them?

and also ive heard the the "american super black metal group" twilight.

anyone know where i can here/dl a copy of it to see if i like it? if so pm me.
So i just listed to nachtmystium yesterday and i can honestly say, that in my opinion they are the best black metal band i have ever heard.

This means i like them the most, not that they are in anyway more influential or talented or creative than any other band out there, just that for some reason i like them the most.

so can anyone recommend some bands similar to them?

and also ive heard the the "american super black metal group" twilight.

anyone know where i can here/dl a copy of it to see if i like it? if so pm me.

Twilight is okay. Aquarius Records has it in stock.

Have you tried Deathspell Omega.
Mysticum is not dead...they are on hold and will eventually release Planet Satan

I think they've announced that album back in 1998-1999 or something, it's already 10 years and it's still not out, I don't think it will ever get released honestly...

That reminds me of the PC game Duke Nukem Forever, which has been announced 11 years ago and it's still not out :p
posted yesterday on Barbarian Wrath forums..


I had my car in the shop on monday and got slammed with a 1200 EUR bill. Payable instantly or no car... You might all wanna go to THE BASAR and close your discography gaps or there will be delays.

Fuck, i hope the new Faustcoven album isn't delayed because of this.. :erk:
I actually downloaded that album a couple years ago, and as I was re-editing some mp3 tags I noticed I still have it on my comp...I never really gave it much listen back then, but now, I feel I probably should check it out. :)
So i just listed to nachtmystium yesterday and i can honestly say, that in my opinion they are the best black metal band i have ever heard.

This means i like them the most, not that they are in anyway more influential or talented or creative than any other band out there, just that for some reason i like them the most.

so can anyone recommend some bands similar to them?

and also ive heard the the "american super black metal group" twilight.

anyone know where i can here/dl a copy of it to see if i like it? if so pm me.
:kickass: They are my favorite BM band as well. There's not much that is terribly similar, but there are similarities with Leviathan, Xasthur, Velvet Cacoon, Krohm and Krieg