Black Metal.

Probably because Fas... sucks. ;)

Wonder why they aren't re-releasing the split with Clandestine Blaze...has one of their best songs pre-SMRC ("The Suicide Curse").

Hell yes.

That's still in print. Check Northern Heritage. Also, the disc with unreleased material is out.

I'm really looking forward to this unreleased material. That period of DsO has always been my favourite.
Wonder why they aren't re-releasing the split with Clandestine Blaze...has one of their best songs pre-SMRC ("The Suicide Curse").



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DEATHSPELL OMEGA "Manifestations 2000-2001" CD 12€
DEATHSPELL OMEGA "Manifestations 2002" CD 12€
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also remember:
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re-press: CLANDESTINE BLAZE "Night of the Unholy Flames" CD

I hoped the songs to be included on the Manifestations 2000-2001 disc..... I don't like much the CB tracks and yeah those songs are probably Dso's best material.
Just got Nechrist by Nokturnal Mortum in the mail and it blew my fucking mind. Best sound effects I've ever heard, and some of the best Black Metal I've ever heard. I used to not like black metal but lately it's become my favorite genre, there's so much intrigue inside the music.

Anybody know of a really straight-forward/easy way to buy Nokturn Mortum albums? I search through a lot of sites and it seems so difficult to just get the albums. They seem like one of the most popular underground BM bands though, I mean I hear people mention them all the time. And I hear about rereleases of their early demos and stuff, but I can't find a normal way to buy the albums...
2 days ago... in other words, it's out :)

In the usa, Ajna Offensive will be distributing it but it might take a while before they get them, a couple of weeks maybe.

Anyway I can't wait to hear it... I hope it's great stuff..... who knows, maybe it was unreleased because it sucked?
I never doubted they were good. I'm just glad I got around to hearing that stuff. Something about that lead guitar tone that is incredibly evocative.
I like Thy Light too, fucking depressive music, but i think no one beats Nocturnal Depression in deprssive black metal.
Last night I listened to Horna's Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne, which makes effective use of the low-fi, bassy sound they and Sargeist have developed in Finnish black metal. Making the bass audible adds a new element to the music, so that the bass-line isn't always just a lower octave of the guitar chords. I was also refreshed by the poverty of blast-beats on this album. Blast-beats are over-used by many bands and Horna resists such a temptation on this record. The result is not just good riffs, but some engaging rhythms to go along with them.