Black Metal.

No way! I like all of Will's early stuff too. Very fucking raw and gritty, but supremely satisfying if you can stomach it. Remains... just sounds like the music is decaying as you listen...I love that!
Vampires and Remains are some of the best 90s french black metal.

Mutiilation was original back then.... Grimly Reborn is when Willy jumped on the depressive black metal bandwagon. I like the newer stuff but it won't become classic or anything.
No way! I like all of Will's early stuff too. Very fucking raw and gritty, but supremely satisfying if you can stomach it. Remains... just sounds like the music is decaying as you listen...I love that!

I hate that! Remains... was major upset for me. I was expecting huge melodies and powerful riffs but everything just sounded weak. Grimly Reborn is a fucking utter French masterpiece to me.

Which I would like to note, I need some more obscure French Black Metal that is overlooked(Celesta,Peste Noire,Belenos).
Huge melodies? He has never been known for that kind of thing iirc, so I dunno what you mean?

Try out this stuff:

Children Of Maani
The Eye
Mortifera (kinda meh sometimes)
Huge melodies? He has never been known for that kind of thing iirc, so I dunno what you mean?

Try out this stuff:

Children Of Maani
The Eye
Mortifera (kinda meh sometimes)

I was expecting that stuff from him. I went into that album only knowing his history in the LLN.

I will check out that stuff.

How is Children Of Maani compared to Blut Aus Nord?
Depends on the era of BAN you're speaking of, but in general is has some death metal influence (deeper vocals too sometimes) and is a little "technical" even opposed to earlier BAN. It sounds MOST like Memoria Vetusta I but it's a very different entity. The last track is one of the best songs ever basically.

The Eye is another Vindsval project, also abandoned I guess. It is similar to a combination of the first two BAN albums.