Black Metal.

nm, I'm downloading the Karras song to check it out. The Myspace of Panik Terror Musik has songs from the other couple bands. The BAN one is great!
I've been listening to Belphegor's latest album for a while, and i really like it, but i can't compare it to the older albums, since this is the first album i am listening from them.
Vampires and Remains are some of the best 90s french black metal.

Mutiilation was original back then.... Grimly Reborn is when Willy jumped on the depressive black metal bandwagon. I like the newer stuff but it won't become classic or anything.
Hmm? Remains is much more depressive black metal then the stuff after imo.
I've been listening to Belphegor's latest album for a while, and i really like it, but i can't compare it to the older albums, since this is the first album i am listening from them.

I look forward to hearing this when it comes out next month. I'll be disappointed if it's anything less than Pestapokalypse VI.
So the only Graveland release I have is Thousand Swords. What album should I get next?

Edit: This is probably directed mostly at MalignParidigm. :p
I look forward to hearing this when it comes out next month. I'll be disappointed if it's anything less than Pestapokalypse VI.

Well, it leaked a while ago so I've given it a couple listens...but I'm still 'digesting' it. They fixed what annoyed me on Pestapokaylpse VI, that being the drum sound, it is not too high in the mix this time. And from what I remember the new album seems to be more black metal this time, with more of the rhythmic black metal guitar work.
So the only Graveland release I have is Thousand Swords. What album should I get next?

Edit: This is probably directed mostly at MalignParidigm. :p


The best have pretty much been named by others. Get Immortal Pride and/or Dawn of Iron Blades if you want another album in the vein of Thousand Swords. Following the Voice of Blood is also excellent for this style. However, if you're looking for something a bit different, definitely get Carpathian Wolves.

And yeah absolutely no-one here likes Nokturnal Mortum.
Well, it leaked a while ago so I've given it a couple listens...but I'm still 'digesting' it. They fixed what annoyed me on Pestapokaylpse VI, that being the drum sound, it is not too high in the mix this time. And from what I remember the new album seems to be more black metal this time, with more of the rhythmic black metal guitar work.

How about the leads? Integral to their sound are the melodic leads playing over the crushing rhythm section.