Black Metal.

I finally found some black metal I like. Naglfar.

Similar bands?

If you like Naglfar, whether it's with Jens or Kristoffer on vocals, nevertheless check out Jens' side projects in Profundi (for something really aggressive) or Dead Silent Slumber (for something more melodic).
Hey V, where might I find a fairly comprehensive list of all the black metal bands with releases in the '80s? I'm pretty sure the likelihood of me liking a BM band from that decade is about 900000% greater than for any other decade. At least, I'm 4-for-4 so far (Venom, Bathory, CF, Hellhammer).
Anyone else enjoying the latest offering by Bilskirnir? I think it's great, much to my surprise, since their previous CD sounded akin to Following the Voice of Blood by Graveland (ie like shit, because that album fucking sucks).
I have had Vintersorg's latest album (the only one I own), Solens Roetter, for a long time, but never really paid attention to it.

Goddamn there is some good songs on there.