Black Metal.

I really dig Sapfhier...keyboard-driven yet not "symphonic" Swedish black metal. Despite the keys, it is still rather grim sounding. I like his demo and album both quite a lot. The demo re-release sounds excellent. "Garden of a Thousand Stones" is a fucking cool song.
I think Dying Emotions Domain and the LP of The Attraction: Heavens And Earth spoiled Astrofaes for me, because since I have heard these (2 years ago or more) I haven't heard anything else by them that made me go "this fucking rules!" as those did...
I listened to Marduk's Romans 5:12 and I like the more fast paced songs on it, good stuff, other than The Levelling Dust, I don't like their slower songs on that CD as much, it's ok, kind of like Dark Funeral, they should stick to making fast songs.
^^ different taste I guess because I only liked the slower songs on Rom 512, the fast songs were too generic and felt like "been there, done that". I think the slower songs had more emotion in them.

On another note, I'm listening to Dso - Manifestations 2002 for the first time.... that's some ass kicking music there, similar to IOS but more violent.