Black Metal.

After downloading and listening to Bathory's self-titled album, I realize now that black metal isn't so bad. In fact, this band rules!
Kind of an odd album to suddenly make you appreciate black metal but congratulations. Black metal is one of the greatest genres of music out there. :headbang:
Some of the band's I've listened to so far suck though. Take Darkthrone for example. Though, I've heard examples of both Emperor and Immortal, and those two bands aren't too bad. I'm more into the first wave bands though.
I've got Bergtatt on its way from Israel. Original copy.

As for what got me into Black Metal, that would be Borknagar's Quintessence.
So I just listened to Inheritance of Evilness and, as expected, it was epic as FUCK. I was even impressed with the extra tracks (which I heard negative things about for some reason).