Black Metal.

Some of the band's I've listened to so far suck though. Take Darkthrone for example. Though, I've heard examples of both Emperor and Immortal, and those two bands aren't too bad. I'm more into the first wave bands though.

If you haven't done so already check out Venom's first three records, some Sarcófago and the next two Bathory albums as these would be a good base for exploring first-wave BM. Check out some more Immortal as they incorporate thrash into some of their later albums. For newer stuff with a definite first-wave influence check out Nifelheim and Aura Noir.
If you haven't done so already check out Venom's first three records, some Sarcófago and the next two Bathory albums as these would be a good base for exploring first-wave BM. Check out some more Immortal as they incorporate thrash into some of their later albums. For newer stuff with a definite first-wave influence check out Nifelheim and Aura Noir.

Will do, thanks!
So I just listened to Inheritance of Evilness and, as expected, it was epic as FUCK. I was even impressed with the extra tracks (which I heard negative things about for some reason).

It was Nec, who said that they aren't as good as any of the tracks on the original album (iirc? I dunno if this is what he said exactly, but it was sort of like that)...I disagree, the last one (which is mislabeled on the back) is awesome.

But yeah it's fucking epic.
Some of the band's I've listened to so far suck though. Take Darkthrone for example. Though, I've heard examples of both Emperor and Immortal, and those two bands aren't too bad. I'm more into the first wave bands though.

The first wave is better in some ways.
Deathspell Omega's Manifestations 2002 is really fucking good. I'm utterly perplexed as to why this material was never previously released; it's probably better than everything preceding and following it (particularly their last abomination)!

Of course most of those who discovered DsO with SMRC will find little of value here, but for the fans of their earlier material, this is pure fucking gold.
Of course most of those who discovered DsO with SMRC will find little of value here, but for the fans of their earlier material, this is pure fucking gold.
Quite a pretentious thing to say. I think people here who like the band like all releases for the most part. SMRC and Kenose get recommended more often because they are more unique. Most of us can't help that we had not heard of DsO before 2004 or whenever.

But good to hear that the new release is solid. Will get it soon.
Quite a pretentious thing to say. I think people here who like the band like all releases for the most part. SMRC and Kenose get recommended more often because they are more unique. Most of us can't help that we had not heard of DsO before 2004 or whenever.

But good to hear that the new release is solid. Will get it soon.

I suppose, I just frequently hear that people are completely underwhelmed by the pre-SMRC material, which is understandable enough.
I prefer their pre-SMRC stuff. Their new stuff is more innovative and "out-there" but I prefer the more primitive sound.
I like Fas more, but everything by DSO is great (excluding Infernal Battles which is merely OK/good).

Everyone I hope can agree that DSO have done some awesome stuff in their existence, which is more than can be said about lots of really, more power to them.
Just got Damaar - Triumph Through Spears of Sacrilege today in the mail and wow this is fucking fantastic. For fans of revenge and conqueror i suggest you check this band out.
Ulver's Bergtatt got me into black metal, and it's still probably my favourite black metal album.

Yeah, that's probably one of the few Black Metal albums that I enjoy anymore.

I kind of had a falling out with Black Metal a few years ago, and while I still enjoy bands from time to time, I find the overall "scene" to be quite stale and lukewarm. Though I like to mix BM with my Doom Metal sometimes, though I believe Doom far outshines Black (among other genre's) in the realm of being totally, outright fucking evil. Just my opinion.
I'm getting into Enslaved, I heard the song Eld on BMR and I like it, the tremolos remind me of Satyricon, what Enslaved should I get?