Black Metal.

I've probably fliped Marblebog over about 3 or 4 times tonight. The first time I heard it I thought it was okay at best(the occasional poor musicianship got to me at times), but now I can't stop listening to it...

I'm glad I finally picked this up.

It's an overlooked modern black metal classic.
I have not heard the new Wold. Tell me how it is. I will pick it up when I go to AQ over spring break.

listened to it a couple of times now and it's awesome,very raw and hateful sounding,nature inspired with some awesome riffs,I'd compare it to Ulver's The Madrigal Of The Night,great stuff
Really? I never got that impression, but I also never listened to the album. I am gonna have to listen to it! This is Screech Owl we're talking about right?
i know thats probably my favourite album of all time,glad i picked up the Trilogie boxset ages ago,but to me this album sounds like the logical conclusion to Ulver3 but taken a bit further,it's pretty much verging on ambient/noise.
I've never heard Nattens Madrigal referred to as Ulver 3...anyway! I had a problem with the production the first time I listened to it (those leads were pretty intense), but I got used to it
Hey everyone! I'm kind of new to this forum, and I love black metal.
Some of my favorite albums that is own (so far!) are:

Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
Emperor - Prometheus
Negura Bunget - OM (imo Really mindblowing)
Nortt - Galgenfrist (fuck yeah a danish dude!) :kickass:

and of course Silencer - Death Pierce me (This is album is friggin crazy and I strongly urge everyone to check it out (if you haven't already). :)

I have just ordered Deatspell Omega - Fas.. and really looking forward to it.. can anyone recommend me some black metal like Silencer? :)
This is the only Emperor album, aside from the live one, that I haven't heard.

I think I might check it out one of these days, since you mention it to be your favorite.

In my opinion it's a fatastic album. It really isn't typical black metal (and perhaps some will say it isn't black metal at all), but it still sounds bloody awesome. :loco:
In my opinion it's a fatastic album. It really isn't typical black metal (and perhaps some will say it isn't black metal at all), but it still sounds bloody awesome.

Yeah, I heard it was some sort of combination of styles... and proggy to the extreme. I've never been one for prog, but this is Emperor we're talking about. :p I might just check it out.
Of course that is a really nitpicky way of putting them in a genre, but it is really devoid of black metal minimalism and repetition/atmosphere through production. It's very grandiose and perfectly produced.
I would just call that album black metal for god's sake. Grandiose production doesn't make it less blackmetal does it?

BTW, listening to Blazing Flames of War of Countess and liking it!