Black Metal.


"I remember the day I floated..." is a lyric in the beginning of one of the tracks, from what I can hear. There is also a line that vaguely sounds like "I am the graveyard", I believe in The Choir Of The Dead.
I would, but I don't have a flatbed scanner (whatever is being scanned has to actually go THROUGH my gay). Why not just buy a copy of the mag?
I wish more people would tag them properly on It's funny how few people know the names of music they listen to.
It's because some/a lot of people nowadays really don't care about the BANDS, they care about the stats and the charts on that site and how quickly they can get em higher than other lame. And also because a lot of'ers get their shit from blogs (downloaded mp3s and stuff) and they are often mistagged right off the bat.