Black Metal.

I've been listening to this band for a while now. The proper name is Altorių Šešėliai, which is "Altar Shadows" in Lithuanian. Margi Sakalai means "Speckled Falcons" in Lithuanian.

EDIT: You can download the Ir Nusinešė Saulę Miškai demo here on the official band website for free if you scroll down a little bit.

yeah all I have right now is that demo, but I'm very interested in getting the full length. really quality stuff.

unknown, check out Raate - Sielu, Linna.

I shall do this
yeah all I have right now is that demo, but I'm very interested in getting the full length. really quality stuff.

I bought it for around $6 on a whim because I was curious about whether or not black metal from Lithuania would be any good. It's a very good album, and it's pretty easy to find if you download music from what I can tell.
I've been listening to Blacklodge a lot lately, and I'm going to start listening to Urfaust, S.V.E.S.T., The Ruins of Beverast, Circle of Ouroborus, and In Lingua Mortua tonight.
I've been listening to Blacklodge a lot lately, and I'm going to start listening to Urfaust, S.V.E.S.T., The Ruins of Beverast, Circle of Ouroborus, and In Lingua Mortua tonight.

I've been listening to The Ruins of Beverast a bit and am trying to decide if I want to purchase the debut or not. I'm not a huge Black Metal fan, but I'd like to expand my collection. Urfaust is another good band, Dutch too!
I've been listening to Blacklodge a lot lately.

Which album? If it's Login: Satan then I'd like your opinion on it. SolarKult has been kicking my ass every since it arrived in my mailbox a few weeks ago. That song "Angels Refinery" puts me in a transcendent state every time.
I think many of you can agree with me that "Satanic Blood" by Dark Funeral is one of the most annoying Black Metal songs ever written. Why did they even bother putting that track on the album?
It's not as great as you all hyped it to be, but I may need more listens to truly appreciate it. Rather one-dimensional as far as symphonic black metal goes.