Black Metal.

It's not as great as you all hyped it to be, but I may need more listens to truly appreciate it. Rather one-dimensional as far as symphonic black metal goes.
I recently got this as well. So far, I agree with you. I enjoy it, but it just isn't blowing me away at all.
Why do you care?

Anyway, I never cared much for Burzum or Mayhem. I found Dark Funeral to be even worse.

What is you people's opinion of Enthroned and Lord Belial?

i don't... none of this matters, it's a discussion board where people say their opinions.
Cuz I think I know you from the GameFAQs Metal board :p Whatever.

Anyway, I'm listening to Filosofem, specifically "Rundtgåing Av Den Transcendentale Egenbetens Støtte" :kickass: :p
Which album? If it's Login: Satan then I'd like your opinion on it. SolarKult has been kicking my ass every since it arrived in my mailbox a few weeks ago. That song "Angels Refinery" puts me in a transcendent state every time.
I haven't listened to Login: Satan yet, just Solarkult. It's quite amazing.

Oh and there's a new L'Acephale song, Perdition. I'm about to order their cd Mord Und Totschlag, along with Tiermes - Malahvia (from Aurora Borealis).
Lord Belial?
Kiss the Goat and Enter the Moonlight Gate are really good, the rest are just ok though. They aren't really black metal any more.
also, Zhou Tai.Skip Circle of Ourborus,especially latest album.IMO
I happen to like really weird stuff. :p
Wow. Nokturnal Mortum just disappointed the shit out of me. I just listened to Goat Horns and I think I hate it...I'm sure what's happening here because I really like Lunar poetry. Anyone else feel this way?