Black Metal.

New Morbosidad album out now on NWNPROD


I can't wait to fucking hear this. Bestial black metal :heh:
Calling that album my favorite BM album of all time wouldn't be exaggerating much, it is an absolute classic.
Indeed, it is up there atleast. And for people who have only heard some songs, try listening to the whole album, the mood of the album (which is one of the coolest and most evil I've heard) can't be captured by one song only. There are alot of ambient breaks and stuff (which are accually REALLY good not useless cd space like on some albums) that helps building up the mood, which is lost if you only listen to one or two songs.
Beherit desserves to be more respected. Seriously you can't call yourself a legit black metal fan if Drawing Down the Moon isn't in your collection.

Well, I guess I'm not that legit, but I agree DDTM is a fantastic album. Shitty production, playing, and image aside, it kicks total ass. It was way ahead of it's time, mostly because of their use of synthesizers.
I'm Requiem In Stasis, I'd been a regular there for around 4 years and came here during that time...I've all but abandoned it recently but I've been back every now and then to post a recommendation or two.
Cuz I think I know you from the GameFAQs Metal board :p Whatever.

Anyway, I'm listening to Filosofem, specifically "Rundtgåing Av Den Transcendentale Egenbetens Støtte" :kickass: :p

That song's an excellent measure of attention span. I usually turn it off after about 16 minutes, how about you?