Black Metal.

I been digging Depressive/Suicidal Black Metal lately. Some bands i've found and like it are: Happy Days, Deep-ression, Hypothermia, Triste, Melencolia Estatica, Trancelike Void.
Blake Judd interview on my new blog! Way overdue I know!

Great interview. Good job.

The impression I got from that was that Blake is trying to be honest, but at the same time coming across as a bit of an elitist, and that Nachtmystium is untainted both by the recent aesthetics of underground Black Metal, and the money-mongering leanings of bands that break into the mainstream and onto big labels. I hope that he's right, and that this band is truly unique in those aspects, but it's a bit of a tight-rope walk in my view.
I been digging Depressive/Suicidal Black Metal lately. Some bands i've found and like it are: Happy Days, Deep-ression, Hypothermia, Triste, Melencolia Estatica, Trancelike Void.

Check out Sombres Forêts. It's worth it, especially the new album.
Great interview. Good job.

The impression I got from that was that Blake is trying to be honest, but at the same time coming across as a bit of an elitist, and that Nachtmystium is untainted both by the recent aesthetics of underground Black Metal, and the money-mongering leanings of bands that break into the mainstream and onto big labels. I hope that he's right, and that this band is truly unique in those aspects, but it's a bit of a tight-rope walk in my view.
From the promo songs from the new EP and album they are both going to be awesome
Hegemon- Contemptus Mundi
Inarborat- Inarborat
Averse Sefira- Advent Parallax
Proclamation- Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
Celestia- Frigidiis Apotheosia
Animus Mortis- Atrabilis
Baptism- Grim Arts Of Melancholy

That is really all I can think of right now. I need to do some serious catching up as well.

Top priority once I'm out in May.

Hegemon- Contemptus Mundi
Inarborat- Inarborat
Averse Sefira- Advent Parallax
Proclamation- Messiah of Darkness and Impurity
Celestia- Frigidiis Apotheosia
Animus Mortis- Atrabilis
Baptism- Grim Arts Of Melancholy

That is really all I can think of right now. I need to do some serious catching up as well.

I have the new Averse Sefira. Will check out the others via Myspace.

goddammit, Zeph, did you read my PM and check out December Wolves?

I did, and wasn't overly impressed. I prefer industrial black metal with programmed drums.
I think the drums on Blasterpiece Theatre are programmed.

Interesting fact about December Wolves.

A video for "Porn Again Christian" was released, which featured scenes of oral
and anal sex, masturbation, and group rape. The material for the video was not
taken from any other movies, and were filmed exclusively for this purpose. As
such, the video is banned.
