Black Metal.

After doing a back-to-back listening of WitTR's two albums, the 2nd one is way, way better. I wonder what people were getting out of the first one, unless they really liked Weakling, since that whole thing just rips of Weakling from start to finish. Also Bergtatt at times. Two Hunters just seems much more original (or I haven't heard the band(s) they rip off on this one).
LOL, so you've been into Black Metal for a few months and you're already a connoisseur? Adorable, adorable.
unknown's recommendation of the day:

Skogyr - Rainchants


This is really solid black metal. Extremely hypnotic. This is amplified by the fact that there are no vocals (which may scare some people off), letting you focus solely on the music. Fans of Drudkh, I think, will definitely get into this.

you can listen to two full tracks here:
Mathiäs;7177537 said:
Where do you find this stuff? Damn.

somebody er other was talking about Skogyr on his blog, so I decided to give 'em a listen to and was pleasantly surprised. definitely one of the better recent black metal releases I've stumbled across.

I ordered the cd today and should be getting it in a couple of weeks. I'm aroused
That's a good american BM band. Few people talk about them here, though. How does the new one compare to their previous albums?

I haven't listened to the newest album yet, as I'm holding out to see if a vinyl version will be pressed. However, the previous album Tetragrammatical Astygmata is a great album.