Black Metal.

I wonder if he is planning to continue with another project. Apparently he has a few unreleased Lurker of Chalice albums that are already recorded, so I wonder if he'll even record anything new anytime soon.
With his sometimes poor grammar and spelling, I figured Wrest was a Norwegian. I now realize he's impostor American black metal. :lol:
So do I. I think they're hilarious. "Merging With Sword, onto Them" is probably his stupidest, yet I like how it sounds.
why does hubster despise america so much? lots and lots of good bands from here.

he's from australia and i'm a huge stiborg fan.
Hubster is nazi motherfucker, fa sho.

Though, I must admit - US have some good modern BM bands.
the drumming is what really freaks me out about striborg. holy mother of christ is it ever interesting. the shit meanders and changes just does all kinds of weird things at the drop of a hat. i can understand how sin nanna may not be interesting to wankers who don't have patience, though. to me he's just utterly amazing

hey alter, have you heard the latest "autumnal melancholy" yet? i swear i need to find it but i've been in the process of moving and i changed address so it don't make sense to order it. i can't find it online anywhere but i really have high hopes.