Black Metal.

The only Borknagar album that was fully and justifiably Black Metal was the first one. Dimmu Borgir stopped playing Black Metal after Stormblast. Satyricon's newer material is not Black Metal. Later Emperor is not Black Metal.
The only Borknagar album that was fully and justifiably Black Metal was the first one.

Fair enough.

Dimmu Borgir stopped playing Black Metal after Stormblast.

It can be argued up until Spiritual Black Dimensions.

Satyricon's newer material is not Black Metal.

Explain please.

Later Emperor is not Black Metal.

Prometheus is not, but IX Equilibrium has enough BM in its formula to qualify.
Now listening to Celestia's Awakening of the Dormant Fiancee demo. Merely ok.

edit: however, the song Black Spell of Destruction is fucking awesome.
why? they totally fit the dark mournful atmosphere

Probably because Noktu's voice sounds like a strangled chicken and he's a pretty wimpy vocalist.

His best work was with Neige on Mortifera's full-length, when Neige did almost all of the vocals since he actually has vocal power and isn't just gurgling like an idiot.

Mathiäs;7197270 said:
Now listening to Celestia's Awakening of the Dormant Fiancee demo. Merely ok.

edit: however, the song Black Spell of Destruction is fucking awesome.

Probably because Varg Vikernes wrote it and not Noktu.
Black Metal can be such a wide subgenre containing many styles within it. Take older Bathory for example, I listened to a few songs off it and I was a little surprised I didn't hear those single string tremolos I'm so used to hearing in 2nd Wave BM, it was mostly chord poundings, but up to Blood Fire Death Bathory is recognized as all black metal, later Satyricon could be compared style-wise to that as well though in totally different matters.
Maybe a better question would be when does the music get too complex to be called black metal? I'm not sure, sometimes I wonder why more recent Cradle of Filth isn't considered BM, it definitely has BM vocals, and single string tremolos, with Gothic elements and Iron Maiden influenced riffing.
bluewizard, you don't know what you're talking about, so please don't even try. You know about 15 Black Metal bands, and another dozen that you think are Black Metal because you don't really know what makes a band Black Metal.
For the record, I don't see how Agalloch's The Mantle could be considered black metal by anyone's standards. It's pretty much modern prog rock with harsh vocals. But for all I know no-one considers it black metal in the first place, I just noticed that being one of the genres listed on Wikipedia (heh).
For the record, I don't see how Agalloch's The Mantle could be considered black metal by anyone's standards. It's pretty much modern prog rock with harsh vocals. But for all I know no-one considers it black metal in the first place, I just noticed that being one of the genres listed on Wikipedia (heh).

Yeah, I dunno how anyone with a fucking brain can think Agalloch are truly doom or black metal. They're pretty much like folky gothic metal, some doom influences here and there and now with a big helping of post-rock.
I think The Mantle sounds alot like "neofolk-metal". I mean the similarities to old Sol Invictus (Death of the West era) are undeniable. Just add som disted guitars and harsh vocals and you have it. ;) Ok not really but It is a big influence atleast.
Can anyone tell me which Xasthur song is that, in the video?

I'm not seeing a video. AFAIK, the only video recording of Malefic is a performance of a Twilight song, with Nachtmystium as the backing band. The song is "Without Light (Beautiful and Malignant)". It's a song that Blake says he wrote when he was 15 or 16.

Edit: Nevermind, I found the clip. I'm pretty sure that's the title track off Subliminal Genocide. I might not have the right song, but I'm sure it's off that album.
SIMS said:
A lot of what they were clearly trying to do with Tetragrammatical Astygmata is more fully realized here, and it really puts to shame the pathetic efforts of wannabe acts like Deathspell Omega and Blut aus Nord, despite plying superficially similar terrain.

I see what you're saying, and agree except for the obnoxious "wannabe" part. Averse Sefira rules.
I'm not seeing a video. AFAIK, the only video recording of Malefic is a performance of a Twilight song, with Nachtmystium as the backing band. The song is "Without Light (Beautiful and Malignant)". It's a song that Blake says he wrote when he was 15 or 16.

Edit: Nevermind, I found the clip. I'm pretty sure that's the title track off Subliminal Genocide. I might not have the right song, but I'm sure it's off that album.

I knew it was "Subliminal Genocide", i just wanted to confirm.
That's too bad because COF is the best BLACK metal band on earth, you can't call yourself a fans of the genre if you don't owns their discography...