Black Metal.

VVow, just found out how vviwkcedly quality Katharsis's VVorldVVithoutEnd is. That title track is fuckin' ridiculously epic and superlative.
Amazing album.

It is time to reach out for the sceptre.
It is time for our master to conquer.
It is time for the olde hooded reaper.
Grim lorde death, he is once more to ryde.
^I've thought about getting Hell Eternal sometime, I slso like what I heard from the Nord CD, Amazon didn't have much of Setherial when I checked it though, is Ebay about the only place to find those CD's?
I downloaded these, I will probaly never blind buy a BM band, so many bad bands overall.

But yeah they have albums on eBay for like 5 bucks buy it now, pretty fair imo