Black Metal.

Say what you like about the video, but at least it differs from the normal "long hairs play instruments in quarry / warehouse / mock-mortuary" scenario so prevalent in death metal.

Strewth. I watched an Arsis video recently and it was embarrassingly generic.

What song is it, though? Every time I've been on here my sound hasn't worked.
Yeah that Arsis vid pissed me off. That's why Behemoth's videos are so refreshing. "Conquer All" still impresses, with the jump cuts and outlandish getups. More like that one!
At The Left Hand Ov God the video is actually a lot different than most Death metal vids. Hey, it could've been worse, you could have the band play in an abandoned warehouse building in one place the whole video, I've seen several Hardco bands do that.
New Nachtmystium photo. Way to get a retarded haircut, Blake.

Fuck he's wearing a Sunn shirt on the right...


That said, not ever hearing anything else by this band and I'm gonna burn my copy of Instinct: Decay now. Fuck the world.
VVow, just found out how vviwkcedly quality Katharsis's VVorldVVithoutEnd is. That title track is fuckin' ridiculously epic and superlative.

Great album but it's the weakest of their 3 full-lenght, the band changed too much imo, sounds like they drinked too much NED-Koolaid in the past few years. Kruzifixxion and the song on Tormenting Legends II are their best material I guess.
anybody remember the first black metal album they ever bought? or is it too much to ask?

i have to get this out but my first one was Black Wings of Destiny by Dragonlord. What made me click and buy the cd was the music video, pretty much. there i said it. when i first heard it, i remember ordering pizza delivery that day and then a minute later, a pal of mine brought in the cd and we started listening to it. good times. songs I liked from this album were Sins of Allegiance, Until the End and Emerald. Listening to black metal for the first time was just awesome.
Venom - Black Metal (although technically i heard Welcome to Hell first) or alternatively for those who chose to argue Venom don't play BM then it was to be Bathory's Under the Sign of the Black Mark.
According to my lists (yes I have lists of everything I have and in what order I got it) it was either Nargaroth - Black Metal Ist Krieg or Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
The first one I bought was In the Nightside Eclipse, I think.

I still think it is untouched by any symphonic black metal album.