Black Metal.

My first one was Emperor-In THe Nightside Eclipse. I remember being in the mood for Symphonic type metal and found out about black metal at that time and read something about Emperor being black metal, sampled it on Amazon and took a chance on it even though the vocals were a bit grating to me at first.
The Kovenant was the first band I got into that had any traces of Black Metal. It had members of Arcturus, which had members of Borknagar, and so forth...
Once you start listening to a band Hellhammer was in, you can pretty much listen to every band in Norway by member association. :lol:
I wish I had gotten into black metal when I was that young. Did you have friends or relatives that listened to it or something? I was nearly 18 years old when I first heard it.

Nope, I was in middle school and we were visiting family in France(My dad is French, I am from Chicago) and I decided to buy some metal because I was into Slipknot. Darkthrone sounded cool so I bought. Hell ever since. Than I listened to Interpol...