Black Metal.

Meh some Black Metal's decent the only bands that i really like are Gorgoroth Cradle of Filth and Dimmu.PS Burzum sucks balls
I read he did vocals on their 'Reclaim' EP from 2003. I've personally never heard it, but considering it was Keep of Kalessin + Attila, I doubt it was anything that special. Worth a listen though, I'm sure.

Reclaim is excellent in my opinion, if you like DMDS, it's similar..... with some Aborym influence like the interlude.
Hellsaw-Sins of Might is some pretty rockin' and thrashy BM but still slightly dips into the whole Under A Funeral Moon-era Darkthrone. Great stuff, and an overall really cool demo. I am going to be checking out there full-lengths soon.