Black Metal.

i coloexion these band i listen one time or more, but you know sometime i never come back, specially for bad sound ,...
For the man talkin about way do i listen to all this, i don't listen to all this but i know it,

@ addo of nex:
I have bands that doesn't exis in metal archive: and so does metal archive, not all the band there, are in my collection list!

Finaly , i'm not proud, or trying to get the interstin, but just makin' it a little bit special, you know the most important, is to don't forget that when i find the occasion, i buy some blakk metal CD,
For the rest let's say that it's a hobby for me to collect these discographies, and their lyrics, if the singer are to shity! ( bad technic of growl)
At Shadow of Opeth: How'd you find out about all those bands?
From many BM downloading Blogspots, bit torrent, P2P, ..., i used to a satelite card, wich is very useful if u know how to connec to the internet, with, u get a very high downloading speed!

Remeber that downloading is not good for havin music, to listen, but it's worthy to discover, than if you like the album go buy it, if you don't erease, it and stay tranquil!
About black metal in tunisia, we have good bands like:
Melmoth, this band started playin acceptabl blakk metal in 1999, they have two albums, but aren't know coz it's completely underground, i remember a concert played by them in menzah6 ( a concert hall) with no more then 200! in 2000) We where few to hear and know about blakk metal)

Out body expereince isn't that bad, they have two demo, of raw blakk metal!
tchi-hi-dis play death metal now but they where playin sympho Blakk in the periode of 2003-2005, they played in maroc( they where in the same coulisse then gogira), algeria, and in tunisia!
The throne: is a new blakk metal from our capital : Tunis that played for the first time in February 2007 a concert with: Spellbound, Mourning palace, of Dimmu borgir, and two titles composed by them, they'r level isn't that bad, they have a greet singer, who attends corpsegrinder in songs like a skull full of maggots (canibal corpse)!

With my band Burning Legion we played just one concert of blakk metal: it was all repetition:
De Mysteeris Dom Sathanas (Mayhem)
A la mémoire de nos confrère(Seth- France)
Under the boards ( Stormlord-Italy)
Azrael, Vanity Of Vanities, On darkned Wings(Marduk)
Blessing Open The Throne Of tirany (Dimmu Borgir)

80% of the present people was greatly pleased!

This days we have At least 10 new Blakk metal bands, but all of them very influenced, with Dimmu Borgir, a band that is easy to copy, and to interpret!
For anyone looking for more info on the Zemial digipack release this is the email I just go back after requesting info,

Hi David,

Thank you for your message and enquiry.

We are already accepting pre orders, so you can reserve a copy immediately if you wish. The price is 13 Euro per CD plus postage. If you can give me the address you would like to have the CD delivered I can give you a final quote.

You can forward a payment using:

Direct Bank Transfer

PayPal (add 4,5% to the TOTAL)

Well hidden cash in a registered letter - at your own risk -

Whatever suits you best.

If there is anything else you need feel free to contact me directly.
is it celtic frost, mayhem, or bathory that is the trully first BM band, don't consider venom as a blakk metal band!

oh don't even start this. we've argued it a number of times and it goes on and on for pages (and I'll tell you now some people might give you shit for not including Mercyful Fate)