Black Metal.

Hell Militia might just be one of the best Mayhem worship black metal to come out in a while. There is such a great vibe to Canonisation of the Foul Spirit.
I highly recommend Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors (Hydra Head 2cd). This is way better than Nocturnal Poisoning. Some great songs on here, like Possession (reworked into something else), Cursed Be The Memory of Light, Conjuration of Terror (original), and the cover songs. Seems like more of an early Katatonia influence on this release.
He was obviously influenced by Katatonia, even though Burzum, Mütiilation and Judas Iscariot are more obvious influences on his music. I'm pretty sure he covered a Katatonia song somewhere.
His material varies in quality and a lot of it tends to sound very much the same. I'd say his best is Subliminal Genocide, mostly because I find it more spiteful and claustrophobic than his other albums. Nocturnal Poisoning would be my next choice.
His music manages to pull of that wall of noise better than the majority of bands who attempt it, so I'd have to agree that he tends to make high quality stuff that's better than a lot of other popular bands.
Subliminal Genocide is my favorite as well. Criticisms that every Xasthur album sounds the same are somewhat unfounded. I'll give the middle era albums a pass since it seems like he's trying to get out of his record deal with Moribund ASAP. The last two are really different. There are bands that have progressed a lot less that don't get much flak for it at all. *coughGravelandcough*

VVVVV, you should definitely give AGTBM a try. It's similar production-wise to NP, but maybe a bit warmer, especially compared to the downright evil-sounding TFOB. Vocals are rather sparse. Decent amount of audible bass. Even a guitar solo on one song.

There's a cover of Katatonia's Palace of Frost on the cd version of Xasthur/Leviathan.
Haha yeah Graveland really is same-y but I like Darken's work too. Most people who hate that Xasthur has "similar sounding albums all down the line" laud bands that do the same thing but call it "sticking to your guns." Kind of hilarious.

I will check it out eventually, thanks!
It is so fucking bland.

I am listening to Graveland. I am not Darkens biggest fan due to his promos and his love of reacting viking battles but his music is not that bad. Still a bit bland to these ears.