Black Metal.

While we're on the subject of Nokturnal Mortum... I have NeChrist and Lunar Poetry, which one do you think I should get next? I adore NeChrist and I'm not so hot for Lunar Poetry to be honest. Also, I've asked this before, but is there any simple, reliable website to buy their albums off of? Best I can do so far is just buy them used from Amazon. I know there must be a better way.

To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire, their best album.
It sounds okay to me. It does sound a lot more commercail but it also still kicks some ass. It also still has that kickass century's old folk element to it which I love. On the album it might not sound so commercail, because if it had a brutal wall of sound production like NeChrist then it might sound somewhat less so.

While we're on the subject of Nokturnal Mortum... I have NeChrist and Lunar Poetry, which one do you think I should get next? I adore NeChrist and I'm not so hot for Lunar Poetry to be honest. Also, I've asked this before, but is there any simple, reliable website to buy their albums off of? Best I can do so far is just buy them used from Amazon. I know there must be a better way.

Goat Horns is their best album imo. Hells Headbangers usually has quite a few of their albums in stock so you might want to look there.
I'd like to hear your opinions about Aboriorth and Dhaubgurz split - The Deepest Pain Of Mankind Turns Death.
For some reason lately the latter half of the Burzum CD has been refreshing lately, I found myself humming the riffs to Dominus Sathanas today and "A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit" and "My Journey to The Stars" was playing in my mind when I dreamed last night. :lol:
For some reason lately the latter half of the Burzum CD has been refreshing lately, I found myself humming the riffs to Dominus Sathanas today and "A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit" and "My Journey to The Stars" was playing in my mind when I dreamed last night. :lol:

I often hum Burzum songs to myself, especially "Det Som Engang Var" and "Jesu Dod".
I often hum Burzum songs to myself, especially "Det Som Engang Var" and "Jesu Dod".

The only black metal song I've caught myself humming that I can think of is "Dueil angoisseus (Christine de pisan, 1362-1431) by Peste Noire.

Hoy bm types, what's Enthroned's best release/are they any good?

Mediocre, I think. I don't remember liking any of their albums a real lot, but maybe someone else might think differently.
Thanks very much for the Nokturnal Mortum recs guys!

i bought most of my Nokturnal Mortum albums on ebay. every album of theirs is awesome but the next one you should get is To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire.

also did you happen to buy lunar poetry recently on amazon? that would be hilarious as i just sold a spare copy i had on there :lol:

Yeah, it must have been you! Usually I just say f-off when they ask me to give customer feedback but in this case I'll give a good rating, haha.
So Fas finally clicked with me and I'm completely blown away. I spent an hour driving around with my brother a couple of days ago where he played the role of DJ using my music. He selected extremely mediocre melodic death metal (mostly newer Dark Tranquillity), which I never even listen to anymore. After that I was dying for something with dissonant strength and Fas went far above and beyond the call of duty. I now understand all the 'near perfect' reviews, as I suspected I eventually would.