Black Metal.

It doesn't show in the bands/albums you recommend to people that I've seen.

Peste Noire, Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Striborg, Ithdabquth Qliphoth, Furze, Vrolok, Emit, Silencer, and Wold are all some bands that I enjoy that are strange/abstract and there are a ton more. I guess the term "fucked up black metal" that Aquarius Records uses to describe some black metal bands would describe my taste.

Though, I will not say France does not put out quality stuff it just comes a but short compared to Germany.
Darkspace 3 sounds a lot like the first... with less guitars and more keyboards.

Hmm, well it is longer than the first and second record but it is still guitar focused I would say.

And yes, the keyboards are still largely single notes or chords held for longer lengths of time. Nothing is substantially different in their sound save maybe more emphasis on melody.
Peste Noire, Blut Aus Nord, Deathspell Omega, Striborg, Ithdabquth Qliphoth, Furze, Vrolok, Emit, Silencer, and Wold are all some bands that I enjoy that are strange/abstract and there are a ton more. I guess the term "fucked up black metal" that Aquarius Records uses to describe some black metal bands would describe my taste.

If you say so. :lol:
Mathiäs;7352246 said:
@Alter - don't bother. It's shit

How about you let him hear it for himself? He likes fucked up BM, and that's what it is. I don't know what you've heard from them, and it is very inaccessible, but if I like it then he's got a better shot than you.
what are some good German BM bands?

Heimdalls Wacht

...and thats just some of my recent bands that come to mind that I have been listening to. Honestly, I can not believe I missed out on this scene for so long.
what are some good Greece BM bands? Only bands I know of from Greece are USPM vein style

NOCTERNITY. seriously, and I know Malignant will jizz over me, they're one of the better unknown BM bands today
Darkthule is decent
Kawir gets throne around a lot, but I've never personally heard them
...Rotting Christ
Varathron is pretty essential

there are probably some more I'm forgetting that Dodens or Malignant will add