Black Metal.

Sardonic Wrath is Darkthrones best. The Cult Is Alive was pretty fucking good though nowhere near the classic albums or Sardonic Wrath. F.O.A.D as boring. I hope the new one rules hard.
Come on man to Old to Cold, Atomic Coming, Graveyard slut all sucked balls and IDK even know F.O.A.D. songs cause the little I heard sucked even more balls. IMO I think A Blaze In The Northern Sky is Darkthrones best album Sardonic Wrath is pretty generic in my opinion.
^ incase you want to know..

01 Hedniskhjärtad (EP) 1998
02 Till Fjälls 1998
03 Ödemarkens Son 1999
04 Cosmic Genesis 2000
05 Visions From The Spiral Generator 2002
06 The Focusing Blur 2004
07 Fragments (Remixes) 2004
08 Solens Rötter 2007


Why the hell did he rerecord stuff instead of making a new album.

Fear of turning out shit and destroying his legacy? Maybe he had the desire to give his fan base a taste of his classics without reissuing any of the albums (maintaining kvlt status)? Maybe he thinks he can slightly improve some of the classics?
Well, thanks for providing some possible answers to my question! All valid but I'd rather a new one (probably what I meant to say :p).