Black Metal.

There's little to no melody in this album. I don't care how extreme or how heavy of a band you think you are, if you don't have at least a decent amount of melody, then your music is not going to sound very interesting. Thus, the lack of melody makes this album very boring and at times unbearable. Whenever there is melody though, it always seems to be repeated over and over again. Which leads us to the next problem this album has.

It’s too damn repetitive! At times, the album has some pretty decent (not good though) riffs. However, these riffs are repeated over and over and over and over (you get the point) again. What good is having a few decent riffs here and there when there just repeated throughout the entire fucking album? Make it interesting! Through in some variety! Adding guitar solos would help since I've noticed that they're aren't any on here.

haha that is the funniest thing ever! i don't think he should be reviewing BM. he wanted darkthrone to play tech death or something

all the reviews are funny, either people get it and give it a huge score or can't comprehend it and give it a low score. few in-between
i don't understand why people say it has bad production. it may be a little quieter but i just turn up the volume and use headphones. it's much better than over-produced stuff that just crackles and shatters. i can't even listen to stuff that is produced too loud. as a matter of fact i think all albums should use this production as a guideline. i think that bad production is something that fades in and out or just goes quiet at random. this is perfect production.
and the vocals are perfectly mixed. some darkthrone albums sound like the vocals are just thrown in too loud over the top.
Well, maybe on Panzerfaust, but the performance is so emphatic that I like it regardless. The vocals on Quintessence make me happy.

Agreed. droneriot recently wrote a review for Panzerfaust that perfectly sums up my feelings about the album. One of the Darkthrone's best.

Concerning the TH review, I saw that earlier today and stopped reading at "There's little to no melody in this album..." :lol::lol::lol:
Sure, Panzerfaust was my first Darkthrone album, but I have a hard time understanding why it's not put in the same league as the previous three albums. I know a decent number of people here appreciate it, but it's generally underrated, imo. Terrific drinking music, and possibly the best black metal to get fucked up with to date. Not a bad solo sober listen by any means either.
really enjoy it... only just got into the last month... stuff I like:

Anaal Nathrakh
Belphegor (or are they death?)
Blut Aus Nord
Old Man's Child

need to explore some more... would love to know some good French ones...

but Anaal is my fav... well after Blut Aus Nors who are just amazing!
Panzerfaust was an album that I never bothered listening to for quite some time for no particular reason, and I can see many people being like myself and simply overlook it due to the three albums that came before it. It took two listens to really sink in, but it is easily my second favorite Darkthrone release (Under A Funeral Moon takes the top spot). The genuine feelings of disgust and repulsion I feel when I hear the album all the way through have only been matched by a few other pieces of black metal, and music in general.
I feel like part of the value in Panzeraust is that it's different enough from what proceeded it. It's 100% more accessible than all previous albums, which is why I'm a bit surprised it's not more popular. Anyone who can take the vocals should be ok. It's rather clean sounding, especially compared to UAFM and ABITNS. There aren't a ton of songs, and there are plenty of headbangers. I think it's a great album for BM beginners. That's not saying that it's overly simple, but songs 1-2-3 and 4-5-6 definitely mirror each other.