Black Metal.

You don't say.

Presence is awesome. hopefully the new MGLA is good too

I liked it from what I heard. I actually don't have Presence tho so I can't compare the two

oh, so I dunno if this has been brought up, but I heard a good deal of Enslaved's latest, and I think people who were pissed off with Ruun and such are going to continue being pissed off. The opening was so "PROG ROCK!" that I was taken aback.
yeah it's not really a return to their roots like they said but i think it's better than ruun and isa after the first listen.... might change idea later.
I heard the new Mgla album and thought it was rather sub-par compared to their EP's and such.
If you liked their more progressive bent (BtL onwards), you should buy it.

What're Averse Sefira's best releases?
What're Averse Sefira's best releases?

It's really hard to say. Battle's Clarion, Tetragrammatical Astygmata, and Advent Parallax are all very close in terms of quality as far as I'm concerned. BC is a kind of rawer and more feral version of the style they developed on TA and AP. The latter two albums have less of a sense of spontenaety and raw aggression but focus more on a very dense and intricate sound and composition. Also, I've noticed that they've started to show more outside influences such as Immolation on AP.