Black Metal.

Drawing Down the Moon is very good, though it took more than a couple listens to "click". I almost never isten to it anymore, but the same applies to most classic BM I used to like(Emperor, Varathron, etc).
Indeed! Noitatulen Vartija is one of my favourite pieces of Metal.

The only demo I've heard is The Nightwind Tunes and it's decent - certainly worth downloading if you liked the EP a lot - though it's not nearly as developed as Noitatulen Vartija.

Then check it out I shall. Such a shame they released nothing else and disappeared into nothingness. :(

The new Mgla record is for sure one of the best records released this year, and I am talking beyond just metal releases. Close to Arckanum for being the best BM record this year.

For ones who know Swedish - could you translate for me the intro-speech in Arckanum's song "Svarte" (Antikosmos)? I'm courious what he yells bout.
Never been big into Immortal myself. Can't deny that the classic albums are deserving of their popularity though.
^:lol: Yeah, I've grown up a lot on accepting Metal music I didn't used to like, now I even like Opeth's clean vocals and prog rock parts. Speaking of which I must get Blackwater Park sometime.
I'll check the Metal Archives for Immortal album reviews and what not.
^:lol: Yeah, I've grown up a lot on accepting Metal music I didn't used to like, now I even like Opeth's clean vocals and prog rock parts. Speaking of which I mustget Blackwater Park sometime.
About frickin' time junior! You have seen the light, now follow my path.:lol:

Still can't believe you never liked Immortal until now...