Black Metal.

They're fast, loud, and they think they're intelligent with no interesting or challenging songwriting (EXCEPT WOO LONG SONGS KEWL) to back it up. imo.
Long songs don't really mean shit in the long run if they're not cohesive or good.

I don't hate Funeral Mist, but they're one of those bands that's super overrated by a certain crowd.
Yeah, long songs doesn't mean anything, but it is kinda weird to say that they have long songs when only one song is long (because the other 12min song has a "built-it" outro for half the song, and the 8min songs doesn't exist :p).

IMO Funeral Mist is pretty underrated, most people overrate bands like Watain and DsO instead.
I still don't see what's special about them aside from the fact that they're fast and loud. Why do you think they're so good? To me, the songs don't seem to contain anything really memorable or unique.
Well I don't think they are the best band in the world or anything. I'm not really a big fan of "orthodox-satanic" bm in general. I just think they manage to create a cool atmosphere that is really brutal yet occult and not catchy at all. They've found a balance between using samples and chants and stuff like that and just blasting black metal, without either being over the top imo.
Tbh I suck at explaining why I like musik, It just appeals to me. :p
These guys Denial of God are extremely tacky, but i'm really digging their music. Worthy of checking out if one hasn't so already.
I'm with Vilden, Funeral Mist rules. They're one of the few "brutal" Black Metal bands that manage to write interesting and highly memorable songs. And besides, it's not all noisy pointless blasting; listen to 'Perdition's Light' for example. This song alone kills 95% of similar styled bands' material.

And yeah, they have one long song... I'm beginning to think most critics aren't particularly familiar with their music. There's a lot more to it than what initially appears after one or two listens. Overrated? Yeah right.
I'm with Vilden, Funeral Mist rules. They're one of the few "brutal" Black Metal bands that manage to write interesting and highly memorable songs. And besides, it's not all noisy pointless blasting; listen to 'Perdition's Light' for example. This song alone kills 95% of similar styled bands' material.

And yeah, they have one long song... I'm beginning to think most critics aren't particularly familiar with their music. There's a lot more to it than what initially appears after one or two listens. Overrated? Yeah right.

Whatever. I've listened to the album two times, I'll listen to it again though I'm doubtful I'll change my mind.








