Black Metal.

I can see why Funeral Mist turns people off, but to me their style just makes sense. It's incredibly dark and brutal but with twisted melodies rather than obvious ones. They convey a sense of evil much more effectively than many other BM bands because they're not in it to "rock out", but to crush with noise...and the vocal effects are awesome.
Funeral Mist and Ondskapt both suck at "orthodox" BM imo

How can someone like DSO and dislike Funeral Mist is quite ironic since DSO took their influence from them to create SMRC.

That's like loving Drudkh & hating Burzum.
While the influence is definitely there, it's not like Funeral Mist was the only thing that influenced their music, though.
That's what my mother says about every metal bands in general :p

You need to listen to the album at least 5 times imo.

I've heard it enough times to know that while it's not objectively bad, I don't like it that much and the majority of it is very fast and loud, which isn't necessarily bad, but the way it's done doesn't appeal to me.
The new October Falls album, The Womb of Primordial Nature, has been released.

Any fans of this band should buy the new album on the spot. Just as good, if not better, than The Streams Of The End EP. This band just keeps getting better and better. Fans of early Ulver and Agalloch should not even think twice.
This Funeral Mist debate is epic. Now all we need for a trve black metal ending is one of the participants to slay the other whilst burning down a church. Plastic butter knives only.

Just ordered that October Falls! Cheers.
So I've come to the conclusion that Absurd's Facta Loquuntur is an excellent album. I really dig the barbaric sound accompanied with raw production.