Black Metal.

ahh Black Metal one of my favorite sub-genres.And VC doesnt usually bring much to the table for me at all.
Yeah, I hear that the upcoming VC release is going to be all ambient. The supposed metal release is unfinished, and probably will not be, unless they really need money. Stranger things have happened. As much as I really, really like this band, I am not expecting any more meaningful output from them.
Yeah, I hear that the upcoming VC release is going to be all ambient. The supposed metal release is unfinished, and probably will not be, unless they really need money. Stranger things have happened. As much as I really, really like this band, I am not expecting any more meaningful output from them.
Check out the band Incorporea from Spain. I can definitely hear some VC influence in them.
I like the debut album from the Italian black metal band Common Grave. There's another band called Common Grave from Germany that plays brutal death metal. The Italian band also started out with the intent to play death metal, but they changed directions before recording anything. I think the death metal background shows in their music, but not in the way the songs are composed, but in the brutal kind of intensity they play with on the album. It's a keeper, but not something I'll listen to all the time.
I love how someone mentions VC in this thread every five pages or so and it's always the same comments about them being a fake band and whatnot.

I like the debut album from the Italian black metal band Common Grave. There's another band called Common Grave from Germany that plays brutal death metal. The Italian band also started out with the intent to play death metal, but they changed directions before recording anything. I think the death metal background shows in their music, but not in the way the songs are composed, but in the brutal kind of intensity they play with on the album. It's a keeper, but not something I'll listen to all the time.

What bands would you compare the black metal Common Grave to?
I can't think of a band that really sounds the same, but it's pretty intense and heavy depressive black metal that's fairly cleanly recorded. Like I said earlier, you can tell the band members have a background with death metal even though the music is definitely black metal.

I can't think of a band that really sounds the same, but it's pretty intense and heavy depressive black metal that's fairly cleanly recorded. Like I said earlier, you can tell the band members have a background with death metal even though the music is definitely black metal.


I listened to them and there pretty damn good.I cant really hear the death metal influence altough its there.
The truth about Velvet Cacoon is that it's a band created by a guy named Josh from Portland, Oregon. He really does do drugs, including DXM, and the real recordings created by the band were inspired by his experiences with these substances.

The stories about the band members, the dieselharp, the fake releases, the music he used from other bands and every other weird thing about the band were all done as a joke that originated on the Full Moon Productions forums, because he doesn't take black metal fans and many musicians seriously because, quite frankly, many of them are idiots.

Anyone who thinks it's really a joke band, or that all of the recordings are fake, isn't really right, though the actual quality of his real music is entirely debatable.

How do I know all of this? I've talked to him quite often over the last year or so and he's a pretty normal guy with a big sense of humor.