Black Metal.

I guess I have a pretty high tolerance for boring black metal as long as it's on the suicidal/depressive end of things.

Well, just me personally. I think a lot of depressive black metal bands are boring, and the songs are often very drawn-out and grow tiresome. I don't find most of it depressing either - apathetic or lethargic, to me are more accurate descriptors.
I'm a fan of theirs. Though it's been a long time since I've really listened to them, save the new album. It's probably been almost two years since I even last listened to "Séance." I like the new album but not quite as much as previous stuff. "Eidolon" is more of a straightforward, to-the-point album and not quite as bizarre or interesting as their earlier works.

One of my favourite melodic BM bands. Seen them live too. ;>
Based on what i heard on Eidolon, I plan to get their earlier albums... which one(s) would you suggest or not suggest?
I'm listening to Vordven's only cd and it took me a while to get into their sound which sounded a bit funny to me at first but yeah, I'll go through it even if it's not really my style.. All that medieval bullshit and female backing vocals.
Female clean vocals in Black Metal are very hard to get right, even in symphonic Black Metal. Capitollium's Bloodfall of Flesh would have been in my top ten for this year hadn't their female vocalist ruined the show.

As for an example of the right way to do it: "Where Hope and Daylight Die" by Summoning.
The Spirit of the Forest (CAN) cd I recently purchased is quite good. Some songs are just an average blackmetal without atmosphere (well played and produced nonetheless) but some of them are great ie. Feasting Tress. Great riffs there - recommended.
@ MasterOLightning: Did you grab the 'Forgotten Legends Pic LP'? Seems it was already released by Eisenwald and if so it's been sold out for a month or so already. Can't find it anywhere!
Just found Common Grave (Ita) and liking what i'm hearing so far. Reminds me of Imperium Dekadenz(Ger). Recommended to be checked out.
I think there are much better songs on Stronghold.

EDIT: And it's not a matter of those female vocals.
Based on what i heard on Eidolon, I plan to get their earlier albums... which one(s) would you suggest or not suggest?

Hmm, well their early stuff is more or less just melodic black metal. The couple albums prior to "Eidolon" are more interesting - that's personally what I enjoy most about the band, the strange/intrigue. Maybe try "Stab Wounds" ...or "Seance" for something more bizarre...but like I said, it's been a while since I've listened to them. Also, I prefer their former vocalist over the new one.