Black Metal.

I listened to an album by French Canadian Depressive Black Metal band Defaillance today. It leaned more towards the ambient, doomy side of the genre and reminded me of Xasthur, Nortt and Trist. Gris is still the class of Quebecois Black Metal but Defaillance are a worthy entry.
I also ordered it, along with a drudkh shirt. Hopefully they are reliable.

I remember getting my last order from them in decent time. I was kind of pissed with the shoddy packing. I had some rumpled corners on the jacket, and the record itself did not seem in optimal condition. I hope they do better this time. I take the chance because I'm not so sure I'll be able to get this anywhere else.
I found Défaillance to be quite boring as well.

No one into Dark Fortress?

I'm a fan of theirs. Though it's been a long time since I've really listened to them, save the new album. It's probably been almost two years since I even last listened to "Séance." I like the new album but not quite as much as previous stuff. "Eidolon" is more of a straightforward, to-the-point album and not quite as bizarre or interesting as their earlier works.
Silencer rules yeah. Other than musical elements shouldn't matter but knowing the fact that the guy's a pure nutjob makes the music even scarier.