Black Metal.

I won Nazxul - Totem for $13.99 including shipping yesterday. Pretty fuckin stoked! Considering the cheapest i've seen is $84.
I'm not sure how many of you care, but I just read today that Glorior Belli will have a new album out next year. Reading this news made my day a billion times better.

Also, I think female operatic vocals in black metal are pretty terrible. Just my two cents.
Female clean vocals in Black Metal are very hard to get right, even in symphonic Black Metal. Capitollium's Bloodfall of Flesh would have been in my top ten for this year hadn't their female vocalist ruined the show.

As for an example of the right way to do it: "Where Hope and Daylight Die" by Summoning.

lol fell asleep listening to stronghold and woke up with that song blasting into my headphones, i had never listened to it before so it was sort of like "WHAT THE HELL?", really like the female vocals in it.